The education to prepare for the confirmation will take place in the church every second Saturday at 15:00 followed by the mass at 17:00 (except during school holidays) . The holy mass is a part of the education.
There will be an introduction in the church at Saturday, September the 9th at 15:00. Parents and family are welcome to participate the first time in order to meet the teachers and be informed about the education schedule.
Questions etc. can be directed to the parish priestor to the parish secretary: sklk(at)
Der er ingen undervisning i skoleferier.
Undervisningen starter i kirken lørdag den 9. september 2023 med et forældremøde klokken 15.
Spørgsmål eller andet kan også ske til sognepræsten eller til sognesekretæren på sklk(at)
You will find the registration form below. We will also need a copy of the child’s baptism certificate.
Please give the documents to the parish secretary no later than Monday, September 4th, 2023.